About This Blog


Hello! My name is Honey.


This blog is a place for me to share my journey as a solo parent, educator, and NLP coach and counselor who values creating natural and respectful connections above all else. I believe that the development of positive social-emotional and communication skills greatly impacts a child's learning and at the heart of every successful learning relationship is connection. 

Here you’ll find inspiration and insights on parenting, homeschooling, books, reading, and self-care in the time of the coronavirus chaos.

I want to show you that it’s possible to move your parenting and teaching from a place of chaos to one of relative peace by shifting perspectives- from unpredictability to consistency, control to connection -and slowing down. I believe that choosing to be purposeful in our decisions and actions is doable. It doesn’t have to involve drastic changes. Instead, it’s about focusing on what’s important and easing into a lifestyle that celebrates that. It’s about creating natural and respectful connections with yourself, your child, others, and the world around you.  

It is my wish to share something here that will be of value to you, on your own journey as a parent, an educator, or both.

So stay around a while. I’m absolutely delighted you found your way here! 



All the views and opinions on this blog are mine. I am not connected to any author, publicist, publisher, or company. I have also not received any financial compensation for the use, mention, or sale of a book, product, or program, except when stated otherwise.


The books featured here are from my personal collection. Some were gifts from family and friends, the rest I got from bookstores and second-hand book shops. I only mention those that Frankie and I have personally used and thoroughly enjoyed.


The photos are mine. I have provided the source for those that are not. If you have any comments on the contents, post suggestions, review requests, or wish to avail of my services, please contact me here.



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